Upcoming Study Leave

It is countdown until Richard, Reuben and I get on the plane to head off on ten weeks of study leave. We are so excited but there is much to get done before we depart. My leave will include a range of things -including exploring the idea of pilgrimage and how it might be a useful tool both within the parish context and on retreat. This will involve short pilgrimages around Chester and Canterbury. Richard will be exploring the concept of pilgrimage as a potential tool for helping inmates navigate the serving of a prison sentence. Reuben will be doing online learning to continue his schoolwork as we travel.

I will also be collating and writing poetry in order to put together a lectionary based collection of poems to make available as a resource for sermon/service preparation. We will also be visiting different places of Retreat, including Taize in France and Ffald y Brenin in Wales. I am excited to be able to take time with less pressures and more space to listen, learn and grow.

We will also be catching up with family and friends in the UK, Sweden, Denmark and the US, and having a week on a canal boat in Southern France with some family and friends. I invite you to follow our travels and learnings through this blog and for those who pray, please hold us in yours.
