I would rather be…

The last time I preached at KPC before leaving for study leave, was on Psalm 84. One aspect I focused on was when the psalmist writes, I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of the Lord than live in the tents of the wicked. We reflected on doorkeepers, not as those who refuse change, but those who help keep the church doors open. Churches only stay open when people remain involved in the worshipping community… without that, churches close. Last Sunday we chose to go to our “local” church, which happened to be in the small village of Pontfaen. On the Saturday we stopped in to find out what time the service would be. As we arrived, there was a vauum cleaner in the doorway. A woman, Anne, was cleaning in preparation for the next day. Turned out they only have services once a month, and it was the next day, making it extra special. Anne told us when church would be, stopped her cleaning and invited us in -stay as long as you like, I will just be outside, she said… We explored the delightful little old church, and as we went on our way, Anne returned to her cleaning. The next morning, Anne was there, a smile on her face, ready to welcome us and introduce us to everyone else. She was the epitome of a doorkeeper, helping keep her little community church open. How might we help keep church doors open?
