13 August Day 2 Level 3b: Kia kaha

As I see the term kia kaha popping up on numerous Facebook posts, I am reminded of our Gospel passage from last Sunday –when Jesus comes to the disciples in the storm, walking on water, and they are afraid. Jesus says three things to them - Take heart; It is I; Don’t be afraid. On Sunday I spoke of the way that opening phrase –take heart; take courage –resonated strongly for me with our warmly held phrase here in Aotearoa, kia kaha.

As we live through this wobbly time, and I sense an increasing fear being lived out in a variety of ways, I have returned to this three-fold phrase of Jesus, spoken into human fear. For me it has been a reminder of the importance of realising that simply saying “Don’t be afraid” is not always enough. It is part of a package... we need also to be reminded that we stand strong together –that we can find a resilient strength of heart in ourselves as we recognise we are in this together, and also that the great I Am is present with us through these storms.

Together we will have resilient strength; together we will recognise God in our midst, and together we will then overcome our fear.   Kia kaha.

FINAL flax in sunset photo kia kaha-1.jpg