Level 3 Day 9: Lessons from lego

Today I wanted to give an update on Natalie’s Graduation celebration last night -we had such a fun evening -a mix of pride in completing a task that had involves some significant hurdles -this is a degree that covered three universities! a sense of loss that it wasn’t the real thing, but delight that in some ways it was even better! After the parade on the driveway, the official part began… Reuben made the formal speech and I wanted to share what he said as sometimes 11 year olds have the best way to say things. He started with -

“Congratulations to this year’s graduands for all their hard work and dedication throughout their courses. I want to wish you all the very best for what the future brings. I thought that today I could share with you some life lessons that I have learned from something I have studied. Things that I think are useful in the big wide world outside of university and things that I hope you can take with you as you transition into whatever the next chapter of your life may hold. Life lessons from lego. “

My summary of the lessons Reuben shared are -1. lego reminds us that we are better together -we can do so much more with a few more pieces! 2. when you get sad or angry, try looking in a different direction to find a happy face (some lego heads have a different face on the back) -don’t let sad things stay stuck to you. 3. Lego usually comes with instructions but sometimes to build something you just need to master build. It’s the same in life -there are times for instructions and times to masterbuild where you can let your creativity flow.

He concluded -”So here you are today , ready to graduate and face the world. I hope you can take some life lessons from lego about asking for help and ideas, being willing to give things another go, sometimes taking a look from a different view, and remembering there is a time for following standard practice and a time for forging your own way. Congratulations and happy graduation day.”

So glad we could extend our bubble via technology to Rebekah and Mum…

Ecclesiastes says there is a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance -for us this was definitely a time for laughter and dancing!

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