Holiday Programme Registration December 2024 — Kohimarama Presbyterian Church

Holiday Programme Registration

Christmas 2024

Wednesday 18th &
Thursday 19th december
9AM - 3PM

A fun couple of days for children in school years 0-8 adventuring through the Christmas story. We have lots of exciting things planned - crafts, games, and all things Christmas!

To register for our December Holiday Programme, please read the information on this page including payment details and fill out and submit the form below.


An enrolment form must be completed, signed and returned online, along with full payment, before a child is accepted into the programme. Only cash and online payments are accepted as a payment option. Once we have received the form and payment we will confirm enrolment by email or phone. Enrolments are subject to availability. Please note that children must be at least 5 years old to enrol in our holiday programmes.

Online payments:
Kohimarama Presbyterian Church bank account: ASB 12 3073 0220438 00
Please include HP and your child’s name in the reference.

Full Day: $40 per day
Half Day: $20 per day

Parents Responsibilities

Parents are required to SIGN IN and SIGN OUT for the time that your child attends the holiday programme. The Daily Attendance Sheet will be at the entrance of the building. If you have arranged for someone other than yourselves to pick up your child at the conclusion of the holiday programme, please make the programme leaders aware of this either on the enrolment form or on the day.

What to bring

Children must wear appropriate named clothing and footwear. Be aware that they may get dirty! Please ensure that your child brings a hat and has sun block applied prior to attending. Please note, children are to bring their own lunch, but morning and afternoon tea will be provided.

Health & Safety

Access arrangements for your child must be detailed on the enrolment form. Please inform the programme leaders of any safety or custody issues that may affect your child’s well being and security.

In the event of an accident, the parent or caregiver signing the enrolment form authorises the programme leaders to obtain medical assistance as deemed necessary. Any medical issues must be included on the enrolment form and if your child needs to take medication whilst at the holiday programme, the programme leaders must be informed and a Medication Consent Form completed.


Where a child’s behaviour threatens the safety and/or enjoyment of the programmes other participants, the child may be withdrawn from the programme. No refund will be given if a child is withdrawn for disruptive behaviour.

Personal Property

We take no responsibility for loss or damage to children’s personal property.


Full Day: Our day begins at 9.00am. Please do not bring your child prior to that time as we are unable to provide caregivers until 9.00am.

Half Day: We are open to receive children for the morning session from 9.00am to 12.00 noon, or the afternoon session from 12.00 noon to 3.00pm.

Finish Time: We finish at 3.00pm. Please ensure that you are there to collect your child at 3.00pm. Should you wish to collect your child earlier than 3.00pm, please make the programme leaders aware of this when you drop off your child earlier in the day.

Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with the office ( if you have any questions.
Thank you!