Advent Pilgrimage 2024: Bound for Bethlehem — Kohimarama Presbyterian Church

KPC Advent Pilgrimage 2024
Bound for Bethlehem

From the earliest days of Christianity, monasteries and churches have opened their doors to pilgrims. Through the centuries, pilgrimages have helped people to explore and deepen their faith.  Kohimarama Presbyterian Church therefore extends a warm invitation to join us on a pilgrimage each Sunday of Advent.


Sunday 1 December: Pilgrimage of Hope
Depart KPC at 2pm. Walk to Kepa Bush. Return to KPC at 3:30pm.
Followed by making a gingerbread nativity at KPC to take home ($10 for gingerbread nativity).

Sunday 8 December: Pilgrimage of Peace
Depart KPC at 2pm. Walk to Bastion Point, where we will share afternoon tea together.
Return to KPC at 3:30pm. 

Sunday 15 December: Pilgrimage of Joy
Depart KPC 5pm. Walk to the top of Cliff Road for a fish and chip dinner ($10 for fish and chips). Return to KPC at 6:30pm.

Sunday 22 December: Pilgrimage of Love
Depart KPC at 7pm. Walk around our community. Return to KPC at 8:30pm.
Followed by a half hour candlelit Compline at KPC at 8.30pm (a closing of the day with carols).

Please register online below (or on the sign up sheet in the foyer).
You will need to fill out a new form for each person attending.

Pilgrimages will start and finish at KPC and last between 60 - 90 minutes, so please wear comfortable footwear for walking. Families are welcome to bring strollers, we will also have age-appropriate activities and make use of different spaces for prayer and reflection as we go.

Please email the office ( if you have any questions.